I grew up mainly in Utah County but also in Alaska and Denver, Colorado. I played a lot of baseball and guitar as a teenager and didn’t think much about what I would eventually do for a career. I played guitar in the jazz band at Utah Valley University (when it was UVSC) for a semester, but then realized jazz guitar was way too difficult for me! I also had an interest in foreign languages and looked at careers in International Business or teaching Spanish. However, neither of those directions felt quite right as I felt foreign languages would be a better hobby than career. I immediately became fascinated with psychology when I started taking classes. Since it focuses on behavior, relationships, how the brain works, how to help people, etc., it became an easy career choice for me. I received a bachelor’s degree in Behavioral Science with an emphasis in Psychology in 2006. I kept up my interest in foreign languages and also received a bachelor’s degree in Spanish in 2007. I was very fortunate to be accepted into the PhD program in Clinical Psychology from Brigham Young University in 2008.