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Several treatment options exist for depression. Given that societal and economical costs of depression are massive, this is an area of research which has been widely studied.
Psychotherapy Treatment
Counseling, or psychotherapy, is a common form of treatment for depression. This type of therapy generally involves one-on-one interactions with a therapist, but the specific interventions can vary depending on the modality of therapy and the training of the therapist. Interventions for depression in therapy can range from evaluating and influencing the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional aspects of depression to facilitating increased insight into the genesis of depressive symptoms.
Psychiatric Treatment
Medication, or psychiatric treatment, is also a commonly used form of treatment. A common challenge associated with this form of treatment is that some medication can take several weeks before the first positive effects are realized.
Some research suggests that a combination of psychotherapy and psychiatric medication can be most effective, but this can vary depending on the individual.
Bibliotherapy as a Supplement to Treatment
While bibliotherapy (or personal reading and study aimed to improve symptoms) is not considered to be an acceptable substitute for treatment, this form of therapy may represent a helpful adjunct to treatment. Depression has long been a common topic in bibliotherapy,
Exploring Treatment Options Through Testing
One benefit of psychological testing is that treatment options can be reviewed and recommended during the feedback session. An examiner can evaluate what treatment options might be appropriate to explore and make specific recommendations of where to seek treatment. Also, psychological testing can help to assess and address important treatment-related factors to gauge the likelihood of successful treatment.
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What does Testing for Depressive Disorders Look Like?
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